How to raise milk yield in a short time

4 May 2020, Monday

On farms, one of the reasons of the low productivity of animals is the lack of technologies to control the correctness of diets; this problem is solved by modern digital technologies that reduce the error in the preparation of feed to 1%!

Modern control systems for daily feeding processes allow:

    Control the weight and cost of each food serving

    Assign feed mixing order and time

    Track the amount of mixed rations distributed for each group

    Automatically adjust the diet according to the analyzer

How does it work?

The feeding specialist prescribes the diet in the program, and while mixing the diet, the system tells the operator the sequence of loading the components and controls the weight, after which the specialist can see a report on the quality of the prepared diet.

During feed distribution, the system can automatically determine the group and adjust the feed rate.

When introducing the system, it is necessary to take into account an important factor - this is a properly composed diet, for this it is better to contact professional consultants who will audit the available feed base and draw up the correct diet based on its maximum economic feasibility.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds that the operator in the Republic of Tatarstan for the implementation of these software products is RIVC JSC.

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