Marat Zyabbarov discussed with the rector of KFU the prospects for cooperation in the agricultural industry

27 April 2020, Monday

Today, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov visited Kazan Federal University. The purpose of the visit was to explore the possibility of cooperation and the application of scientific developments of the university in agriculture.

The guests were first shown the REC of Pharmacy KFU, where they talked about the main scientific laboratories for the development of innovative medicines.

Senior researcher at the Institute of Fundamental Medicine KFU Tatyana Grigoryeva noted a special project proposed for cooperation, which will assess the load of antibiotic resistance in various agricultural sectors. According to her, it is very important to predict the effectiveness of antibiotics.

“With the help of special equipment in KFU laboratories, it is possible to collect biomaterials from livestock, feed and other agricultural objects and test them for microorganisms,” explained Grigoryeva. “Thus, having determined the dominant type of microorganism, we can choose the right antibiotic that will work for sure.”

In turn, the director of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine KFU Andrey Kiyasov emphasized the versatility of such technologies. He recalled that these laboratories also exist in clinics. Equipment to identify the dominant bacterial species allows doctors to prescribe the right medications. Up to 96 samples of biomaterial can be placed in one bowl of such a device and microorganisms can be identified with an accuracy of 100% in one to two minutes.

Then the director of the Scientific and Clinical Center for Precision and Regenerative Medicine, professor of the genetics department of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of Kazan Federal University Albert Rizvanov presented the meeting participants the work of genetic laboratories.

“We are creating new molecules, for example, for gene therapy, when it is necessary to introduce a functional gene into the body in case of certain mutations,” said Albert Rizvanov. - A healthy copy of the genes is created to correct the mutation in the human body. Additional copies of the gene are also introduced to temporarily stimulate generation. For example, you can accelerate bone growth during a fracture or compensate the lack of blood supply, increasing the growth of blood vessels. Most of the work is carried out on medical topics. Currently, vaccines are being developed from COVID-19. ”

Then the guests proceeded to the Institute of Ecology and Nature Management of KFU, where its director, chief researcher Svetlana Selivanovskaya presented for consideration the researches of the university in agriculture. The purpose of these studies, as noted by Selivanovskaya, is to create breakthrough technologies that will ensure the development of the agricultural complex of the Republic of Tatarstan.

“Increasing the productivity of agricultural crops is strategically important for the republic, improving the quality of agricultural products, reducing the content of antibiotics and resistance genes for them, implementing import substitution are our main tasks today,” Svetlana Yurievna explained. She also noted the need of the introduction of innovative closed-cycle biotechnologies - utilization of agricultural waste, production of biological products and biofungicides, obtaining biological fertilizers, and obtaining secondary energy sources. This will allow the republic to position itself as a region introducing ecological farming. Thus, the life quality of the population will significantly increase.

At the end of the event, the director of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology Andrei Kiyasov told about the project “Biotechnologies for Health and Longevity”. The program of this project also includes a bioeconomics of agriculture direction.

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan noted the huge potential of the university in scientific research, high professionalism of employees and modern equipment.

“Today, of course, there is a lack of interaction with KFU in the agricultural sector. There are many problematic issues that we can solve together. For example, waste disposal is currently underway. There is an opportunity to demonstrate our experience in solving such problems. Now the main thing is to determine the main directions for further interaction”, concluded Marat Zyabbarov.

KFU rector Ilshat Gafurov also added that it would be useful to develop joint, end-to-end educational programs on new technologies with the subordinate educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan. “These educational institutions, their research centers can be of great benefit, as they are all practice-oriented and know the needs of the agricultural industry. The creation of additional educational programs will facilitate the exchange of experience and the convergence of teachers and students”, said Ilshat Gafurov.

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