Marat Zyabbarov checked the readiness for sowing and the work of agricultural enterprises in Agryz district

8 April 2020, Wednesday

On April 8, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov checked the readiness for sowing of agricultural enterprises in the Agryz district.

The total area of agricultural land in the district is 107 807 ha, 92 053 ha of which is farmland, including arable land - 66 029 ha, hayfields - 5 625 ha, pastures - 20 278 ha, perennial plantings - 121 ha. Total for the 2020 crop is 44.9 thousand ha, of which 27.2 thousand ha are under spring sowing. Winter crops today are fed on an area of 0.6 thousand ha (7%), perennial grasses - on 0.2 thousand ha (2%), harrowing is performed on 1.2 thousand ha (2.3%).

Having inspected the fields, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan noted the good condition of winter crops. “The crops wintered safely, but in order to get a good crop, it is important to carry out all agricultural practices, including the application of mineral fertilizers in an amount of at least 70 kg of active substance per hectare. To date, only 5.7 kg of a.s./ ha has been accumulated, which is lower than the indicators the last year and the republican ones, ”the minister noted.

Marat Zyabbarov also visited the largest processing plant of the area - LLC Agryz Meat Processing Plant. The director of the plant Mikhail Batanov told about working conditions and measures taken to protect against the spread of coronavirus infection. So, all specialists work exclusively in gloves and protective marks, and disinfecting measures are carried out at the plant in the prescribed volumes.

In addition, the Deputy Prime Minister got acquainted with the activities of such enterprises as Nazyar LLC, Agryzagrohimsevis OJSC, Ak-Bars mega-farms, agricultural chemical and agricultural machinery bases.

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