Sketches from agricultural markets: How did Kaybitsky bread conquer the love of Kazan buyers

27 December 2019, Friday

The other day, they watched how the bread brought to one of the fairs (on Yamasheva St.) in Kazan by workers of the Kaybitsky bakery was dispersing with a bang. We asked one of buyers why he was buying bread here.

- Here it is a completely different bread, it’s delicious. Heard, they bake it according to old recipes, not saving on ingredients, - the buyer shared. - And the price of bread products at the fair is much cheaper than in a store or in a bakery. I bought a loaf for only 23 rubles, still warm ... And I took more.

By the way, this year the author of this article had a chance to visit the Kaybitsky bakery. The enterprise has been working in the district center for more than twenty years - since the Kaybitsky district was created, and the village of Kaybitsy became a district center. The main activity of the bakery is the production of bread and bakery products, which, as a result, go to rural stalls not only of Kaybitsky, but also in other areas, for example, neighboring Apastovsky district. The plant, by the way, is small, it can be rather called a workshop - here 20 people work in three shifts, they produce about 1 ton and 280 kg of products per day.

Technologist Alevtina Alexandrova rules the process. Under her leadership, the Darnitsky bread, the most popular among the villagers, is baked in two ovens, as well as white bread, loaves, and various pies. Alevtina Gennadyevna admitted that there is a desire to develop production, increase volumes, but for this, the bakers need another oven.

For many years, the senior baker Zinaida Petrova has been working at the Kaybitsky bakery, she is called the main mentor of the enterprise - all newcomers, future bakers, practice with her. For example, this spring Yekaterina Kuznetsova, a freshman at the Kazan Cooperative Technical School, learned the lessons of baking skills from Zinaida Nikolaevna. At the end of the practice, the girl admitted that she wants to return after training in her native Kaibitsi to the bakery.

By the way, the price, especially in rural areas, plays a big role. Rural bakers understand it and try to keep prices "suitable". The production of social bread in Tatarstan is subsidized by the government of the republic. For 11 months of 2019, manufacturing enterprises of the Tatpotrebsoyuz produced and sold products worth 1.5 billion rubles, 62% of this volume is bread and bakery products. 38 enterprises are engaged in its production and sale. They produced and sold 24818 tons of bakery products, giving out 90 tons of products per day. 140 bread carriers daily deliver bread to rural shops of the republic, to private and budgetary organizations. In Tatpotrebsoyuz 40 specialized stores “Hot bread” also work in different villages of the republic - there are always lines in front of them in the mornings.

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