Marat Zyabbarov held a Republican agronomic meeting

25 December 2019, Wednesday

On December 25, a republican agronomic meeting was held at the Kazan State Agrarian University with the participation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov, heads and specialists of Agricultural Departments, Agricultural Chemical Services, State Commissions, investors and agricultural producers of the republic.

The guests got acquainted with the laboratories of the center for agroecological research, the work of specialized training and demonstration classes and the Museum of History of the Agronomy Faculty.

Opening the event, Marat Zyabbarov focused on the importance of institutions for the agricultural industry and the importance of practical skills for graduates. The head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food recommended to familiarize graduate students with specialized programs used in the industry, such as, for example, AgroSemExpert.

Recall that Tatarstan has developed the AgroSemExpert program, which helps farmers find the right batch of seeds for purchase, or place their proposals for the supply. The program also allows farms to conduct detailed analysis, monitor the quality and quantity of seeds. The system has a quick search for plant varieties included in the State Register of selection achievements approved for use. Farmers can use the program absolutely free.

The main report on the results of the agricultural industry in 2019 was made by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildus Gabdrakhmanov. He named the gross harvest of crop products in 2019: 4.5 million tons of grain, 2.8 million tons of sugar beets, 1.2 million tons of potatoes, 1.8 million tons of fodder. The leaders were Zainsky, Atninsky, Menzelinsky, Aktanyshsky and Baltasinsky districts. The deputy minister recommended lagging areas to study the farming culture in these areas and adopt positive experience. Ildus Gabdrakhmanov drew attention to the effect of seed reproduction on productivity and cited recommendations of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan on updating seed material, focusing on the need for timely purchase of seed material for sowing in 2020.

Rafis Khabibullin, deputy head of the branch of the Rosselkhoztsentr in the Republic of Tatarstan, spoke on seed production. He drew attention to the fact that for the farmers of the republic, the register of certified seeds has been posted on the Rosselkhoztsentr website, and from January 2020, the AgroSemExpert program will display information on seeds passing the soil control.

Talking about variety testing, the head of the FSBI branch of the State Commission Vitaly Novichkov noted that the institution is currently testing 30 crops, more than 1000 varieties and hybrids. “Creating a perfect variety is impossible. Each field needs to choose its own. To obtain a constant and stable crop, we recommend mosaics from different varieties and cultures, ”explained Vitaliy Novichkov.

Anas Lukmanov, director of the FSBI CAS “Tatarsky”, drew attention to the importance of the use of mineral fertilizers and deoxidation of soils. “Acidic soils are the specifics of our region and the main limiting factor in obtaining a good harvest. Mineral fertilizers do not give an effect on them. First thing you need is liming the soil. Moreover, 90% of the cost of this is reimbursed from the budget, ”the speaker emphasized.

At the end of the event, the tasks for 2020 were identified, the main of which is the increase in crop production by at least 10%.

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