Marat Zyabbarov spoke about state support measures in agriculture at a meeting with entrepreneurs in the Chamber of Commerce

24 December 2019, Tuesday

On December 23, a meeting with entrepreneurs of Tatarstan was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tatarstan. The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov.

Recall, the Chamber of Commerce is a non-governmental non-profit organization that unites representatives of small, medium and large businesses. Currently, there are 2214 enterprises of all forms of ownership in the Chamber, 213 of which entered the Chamber in 2019. Every year, confidence in the CCI is growing.

Marat Zyabbarov told entrepreneurs about measures of state support in the agricultural sector. “Sustainable development of small forms was made possible thanks to the volume of state support - this is more than 2 billion rubles annually, and this year more than 2.5 billion rubles are planned due to increased grant support (1.3 billion rubles) and the implementation of the national project. Under programs to support novice farmers and the development of family farms over 8 years, 1126 peasant farms received 2.7 billion.

We are participating in the implementation of the national project “Creating a system for supporting farmers and developing rural cooperation” until 2024. Tatarstan received the largest amount in the Russian Federation for the implementation of this national project in 2019 - 418.8 million rubles.

This year, only 3 support programs for peasant farms (Novice farmer, Development of family farms, Agrostartup) grants for business development in 2019 were received by 238 farmers.

Marat Zyabbarov drew attention to the fact that the main, and at the same time not properly involved reserve for the development of small forms and the industry in general, is agricultural consumer cooperation.

“This sector of the economy in the republic is developing rapidly, the number of working cooperatives, their cash proceeds, and the number of members are increasing. So, over the past 2 years, the revenue of cooperatives doubled, the number of members of cooperatives is 5 times bigger.

“All kinds of support for cooperatives are ongoing. This is support for at least a year cooperatives with federal complicity; since 2015, 43 such cooperatives have received development grants in amount of 827 million rubles.

Since 2018, grants have been allocated from the budget of the republic for the development of the material and technical base of start-up cooperatives with a registration period of up to 1 year (micro-cooperatives), the grant size is up to 5 million rubles. 27 cooperatives received grants  for 125 million rubles.

The regional project “Creating a Support System for Farmers and Developing Rural Cooperation” is closely linked to the development of cooperation. In addition to the Agrostartup program, agricultural consumer cooperatives are subsidized, 26 cooperatives received subsidies on 61 applications for 98.8 million rubles. The most sought-after areas for the purchase of products from members of cooperatives is the purchase of machinery and equipment for the cooperative itself, which are then included in the indivisible fund of cooperatives, ”commented Marat Zyabbarov, dwelling on export issues at the end of the

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