News from the districts: Grantees of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan have opened 4 farms in Arskiy district

23 December 2019, Monday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan pays great attention to the development of small and medium enterprises in rural areas. Today in every district there are people who have opened their own business and successfully developing it with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan. So, last week 4 farms were opened at once in Arskiy District, built with grants funds from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan by the Beginner Farmer and Family Livestock Farms programs.

Damir Shakirzyanov in the village of Kutuk and Rainur Mingazov in the village of Uchili built dairy farms, Anis Garipov has built fattening farm for 100 animals. Rashit Fazlyev chose sheep breeding for himself.

Damir Shakirzyanov shared his experience in opening and developing his own business. The farm “Shakirzyanov DZ” received a grant in 2018 by the program “Development of family livestock farms on the basis of peasant farms” for the construction of a farm for 100 cows.

Over the year, a cowshed was built, it meets all the necessary requirements, includingmodern building materials (from sandwich panels manufactured in the Arsky district) with a milking parlor, a cleaning system and a restroom for workers. The construction of the farm was a logical continuation of a successfully developing business.

Damir Shakirzyanov began his work in 2007. “I was born and raised in the village of Kutuk. My wife Nurzil and I first raised geese, were engaged in fattening gobies. We gradually improved the material and technical base and increased livestock. The implementation of sectoral state programs helped a lot, ”notes the Head of the peasant farm. “We are very grateful for the help to the leadership of the republic, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan and the region.”

The head of the farm is supported by his wife. “For many years I worked in the education system, I left my job in 2010. I do not regret anything, we have chosen the right path, things are going well, says Nurzila. - Our first assistant is our son Nadir (agronomist). In spring he works on a tractor, in autumn - on a combine. The daughter Dil and daughter-in-law Sariya also help a lot. I am sure that when we are together, we are able to overcome all difficulties. ”

The head of the peasant farm plans to increase the number of cattle in the future. Currently, there are 170 head of cattle, including 75 milk cows. The farm employs 9 people. More than 1 ton of milk is produced daily.

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