The Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Workers of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Russia summed up the contest "Best Collective Agreement"

4 December 2019, Wednesday

LLC "TC" Maysky "is recognized as the best organization in the VIII Republican contest" Best Collective Agreement ". The competition is held by the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Tatarstan every two years in order to improve the forms of development of social partnership, to increase the role of the collective agreement in protecting the labor rights and legitimate interests of workers.

Farida Garifullina, chairman of the trade union of agricultural workers of the Russian Federation, said that the plant Maysky is one of the largest greenhouse enterprises in Russia with an annual output of more than 42,000 tons of vegetables. Maysky employs more than one thousand people who daily provide fresh vegetables to Tatarstan residents and residents of large federal centers.

“The enterprise’s work is based on the tradition of responsibility to people - the work team. The principle “For the benefit of the man of labor” became fundamental in the work of the General Director Ilshat Ganiev. Under his leadership, the enterprise carries a serious burden of social care for the well-being of each employee, ”said Farida Garifullina.

The company is implementing a unique project to provide workers in need of better housing conditions. The construction, which began more than five years ago, made it possible to practically solve the needs of the plant's employees in housing, leisure, sports, and placing children in kindergarten in nursery groups.

Today the Maisky residential complex meets the highest European standards used in assessing the residential complex and its infrastructure, there is a sports complex with outdoor and indoor playgrounds with a total area of ​​5420 square meters, a public garden with an amphitheater and a musical light fountain. Each house is equipped with playgrounds, bike parking.

“The modern landscape architecture, based on the “concept of four seasons ” actually delights. More than three thousand different trees and shrubs are planted here, which adorn the residential complex with natural colors throughout the year. The construction of houses continues and at the end of this year another multi-apartment apartment building with 73 apartments will be ready, ”said the Chairman of the trade union committee of agricultural workers.

The trade union committee of the plant initiates the collective agreement which provides a social program that stimulates the interest of workers in the development of production and increase the competitiveness of products.

The obligations taken are specified in the annexes to the collective agreement, including on wages and bonuses, an agreement to improve working conditions and labor protection, a list of professions and positions related to harmful or other special working conditions, standards for the free issuance of work clothes, safety shoes and personal protective equipment, the provision on labor protection commissions.

The company provides annual steady increase of monthly wages. The average salary of employees for 2018 amounted to 48,208 rubles, which is two times higher than the average monthly salary of industry workers in the republic.

Priority is given to labor protection and the recovery of workers. In 2018, more than 33 million rubles were spent on the implementation of labor protection measures.

In addition, employees received funds to reduce the cost of food in the dining room at the rate of 100 rubles per day. During busy periods of work in the greenhouses two meals a day were provided for free. For these purposes in 2018, more than 6 million rubles were allocated.

In 2018, 121 sanatorium vouchers for a total of 3,280,104 rubles were purchased, including 36 vouchers purchased in the boarding houses of Crimea in the amount of 710,655 rubles.

Do not forget here about pensioners. Former employees of the plant get vegetables for free, so in 2018 more than 8 million rubles were allocated for this purpose. Pensioners working in greenhouses (master-vegetable growers, surveyors, operators) at the Maysky plant, who have worked for 15 years or more, have been paid monthly payments in the amount of 4000 rubles. that makes 1.7 million rubles in general. Pensioners awarded at Maysky TC LLC after retirement from the plant received monthly retirement benefits at the expense of the plant, 2.2 million rubles were allocated for this purpose.

A high professional level of specialists is achieved through a competent combination of training, starting with the student bench, continuous production training of employees at the enterprise, and advanced  specialists’ training.

“It is noteworthy that since its inception, the enterprise has had a primary trade union organization, all employees are members of the trade union. Employees highly appreciate the opportunity to receive support and assistance from the organization that not only declares the protection of the interests of the working person, but actually performs these functions, ”said Farida Garifullina.

The chairman of the trade union committee explained that the company has established strong traditions of collectivism, mutual assistance and mutual respect, this is largely due to the competent interaction of the Director General and the trade union committee in solving problems of economic and development on the principles of social partnership. The result was agreement and solidarity in the work team, a shared responsibility for the enterprise.

At Maysky they believe that appreciation and respect for the person guarantee the stability of the enterprise and reliable prospects for the future.

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