To help the farmer: In Tatarstan, the crops with the highest yield were identified.

26 November 2019, Tuesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan draws attention to the fact that with the introduction of intensive technologies and varieties of agricultural crops with improved indicators, it became possible to achieve higher yields.

Specialists of the branch of FSBI Rosselkhozcentr in the Republic of Tatarstan prepared information for agricultural producers on crop yields. The following leading varieties by crop can be distinguished:

The highest yield of winter wheat was obtained by breeding modern intensive varieties of the breeder Poletaeva G.M. Scepter -39.5 centner / ha, Research and Production Center "Selection" Volzhskaya K - 39.5 centner / ha and the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Ershov SSE NIISH of the South-East" Novoershovskaya - 34.9 centner / ha.

Good yield of winter rye was shown by the varieties of selection of TatNIISKh, of the separate structural subdivision “FIC“ KazSC RAS ​​”- Zilant RNNS (propagation of a new non-zoned variety) - 31.9 c / ha, Tantana - 29.5 c / ha and Gift - 28.8 c / ha.

For winter triticale, good yields were obtained from the cultivars of the Federal State Research Institution “Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientific Center” Consul - 56.5 c / ha and Tornado - 50.1 c / ha, and from the cultivar  “Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences” Bashkir - 45 , 1 kg / ha.

The following spring wheat varieties had the highest yields: breeding of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Nemchinovka Federal Research Center Lyubava - 37.3 centner / ha, Federal State Agrarian Research Center Agata - 37.2 centner per hectare and Ulyanovsk Research Institute of Agriculture Ulyanovskaya - 36.1 c / ha.

For spring barley, the highest yields were shown by the Federal Research Center “Nemchinovka” Yaromir - 42.8 c / ha, TatNIISKh - of the separate structural unit “FIC“ KazSC RAS ​​”- Kamashevsky - 40.3 c / ha and CJSC“ Krasnoyruzhskaya Grain ” company "Oskolets - 36.1 c / ha.

Oats: selection varieties of the Ulyanovsk Research Institute of Agriculture Horseman - 37.6 c / ha, Rysak - 32.9 c / ha, Stippler - 31.5 c / ha.

The highest yield of peas was obtained by TatNIISKh - separate structural subdivision “FIC“ KazSC RAS ​​”- Varis - 27.8 c / ha, Federal State Budgetary Institution “ Ulyanovsk Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture ” Ulyanovets - 26.6 c / ha and Federal State Budget Scientific Institution“ Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientific Center ” Aksai Mustachio 55 - 25.9 kg / ha.

For the good yield of buckwheat, the following can be distinguished: selection varieties of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ilishevskaya - 22.1 centner / ha, Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific Center for Leguminous and Cereal Crops Dialogue - 21.4 centner / ha and TatNIISH - Chatyr Tau - 18.4 centner / ha.

Spring rapeseed best yields are 23.0 kg / ha for the hybrid PS 306; 22.7 kg / ha for the Akhat hybrid and 22.2 kg / ha for the Jerry hybrid.

Corn for grain: hybrids of breeding of foreign production Ronaldinio - 65 c / ha, P 7054 - 62 c / ha and the Federal State Budget Scientific Educational Institution “National Grain Center named after P.P. Lukyanenko "Ross - 58.4 kg / ha.

Corn for silage: the highest yield was given by the hybrids of selection of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Maize Federal State Budget Scientific Institution Voronezh 175 DIA - 402 c / ha, Voronezh 160 CB - 400 c / ha, and OOO NPO Seed Production Kuban Ladoga 175 MV - 348, 8 c / ha.

The highest yields of sunflower were obtained from hybrids of foreign production: Meteor SL - 25.0 c / ha, Tristan - 19.9 c / ha and the Federal State Budget Scientific Educational Institution Federal Research Center All-Russian Oilseed Research Institute named after V.S. Pustovojta »Mercury - 22.9 c / ha.

Sugar beet showed good yields of hybrids of foreign production: Expert - 590 kg / ha, Svetlana KVS - 549.9 kg / ha and Recordina KVS - 536.5 kg / ha.

The highest potato yields were obtained by varieties of foreign production: Vega - 423.2 c / ha, Bettina - 400 c / ha and Impala - 396.5 c / ha.

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