The leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan inspected agricultural fairs

16 November 2019, Saturday

For most citizens, Saturday is a legal day off and an opportunity to get enough sleep, but for the leadership and specialists of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan this is one of the most important days. On Saturdays, traditional agricultural fairs are organized. For farmers this is a good opportunity to sell their products, and for citizens - to buy all the most necessary and fresh in one place and at affordable prices.

From 6 a.m., the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Nail Zalakov proceeded to bypass the fairs. The first was the site in the Novo-Savinovsky district on the street Yamasheva. Despite the early morning, trading on the site was very active. Farmers from Novosheshminsky and Spassky regions brought a large assortment of products. You could find meat, fish, milk, butter, honey, sausages, cheese, eggs, potatoes, vegetables, berries, granulated sugar, flour - all locally produced and at affordable prices at 160 outlets. The organization of the fair was also checked by the head of the Spassky district Fargat Mukhametov and the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marcel Makhmutov.

Then Nail Zalakov went to the Moskovsky district. Despite the fact that trade is organized in a quite small area, the product range was pleasing in variety. The Camembert, Brie and Halumi cheeses from the Arsky district were especially interesting for buyers. If the city buyer is no longer surprised by Camembert, then the famous Cypriot frying cheese - Halumi was a real surprise for locals, due to the fact that it is now produced in Arsk and you can buy it at an affordable price. Traditionally, real pilaf was prepared here for pensioners in large cauldrons.

Nai Zalakov talked with farmers, inquired about the results of trade and development prospects. The fairs were also inspected by the deputy ministers of agriculture and food of the Republic of Tatarstan, heads of municipal districts, heads of agro-industrial complex divisions and specialists of the ministry. All production was checked by veterinary services.

Waiting for buyers at the agricultural fair next Saturday!

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