News from the districts: In the Sarmanovsky district, the leading specialists of the agro-industrial complex were honored

31 October 2019, Thursday

This week, a meeting of agricultural and processing workers took place in the Sarmanovsky district, during which honored leaders who distinguished themselves during the harvest of crops were honored. The event was attended by the head of the district Farit Khusnullin, the head of the Department of Agriculture and Food of the Sarmanovsky District Albert Sharipov and other responsible persons. Also, the heads of agricultural enterprises of Agrosila JSC, Agrosila-Logistics LLC, Agrosila-Service JSC, Naberezhnye Chelny Elevator OJSC, Chelny-Bread CJSC were invited to the holiday.

Distinguished agricultural workers received various awards: letters from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, letters of appreciation and certificates of honor of the republican and district levels. Cash bonuses encouraged both leaders of advanced farms and ordinary employees - machine operators and machine milking operators.

“Holding such events when we honor those who tirelessly work in their native land, growing bread and ensuring the food security of the country, has become a good tradition in our area. This is not only a tribute, but sincere words of gratitude to people which serve as an example of a responsible attitude to work for the younger generation, ”said Albert Sharipov, head of the Agricultural Department.

Throughout the festival, agricultural workers were pleased with fascinating performances of the Ilek song and dance ensemble, the Firuse folklore ensemble, the Jasmine and Umyrzaya choreographers April, the Grant quartet, the singer, People's Artist of Tatarstan, and the honored artist of Russia, Honored Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan Salavat Fatkhetdinov, People's Artist of Tatarstan Firzar Murtazin, and Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan Zakir Shakhban.

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