The practical part of training at the Dairy Business Academy was held on the basis of farm named by Vakhitov

23 October 2019, Wednesday

Today, in Kukmorsky district, the practical part of the training on dairy cattle breeding was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan on the basis of the Dairy Business Academy. The heads of the Agriculture Departments visited the Vakhitov farm and got acquainted with the activities of the feed preparation shop.

The guests were met by the head of the enterprise Nafik Khusaenov. “To date, the farm has 2835 dairy cows. We produce 84 tons of milk daily. We hope to bring its volume to 100 tons in 2021. There are 30 liters of milk per cow. Several years ago, on average, 25-26 liters were received from one cow. After the fodder shop started operating, the indicators improved: milk yield increased by 2.5 kilograms. In the future, it will be possible to receive 32 liters of milk per cow per day”, he shared his experience.

According to the livestock farming specialist Ildus Nasibullin, 250 tons of various kinds of feed are produced in the workshop in accordance with the daily ration. Students could see the whole process with their own eyes and learn about production technology.

We remind the training is held from October 21 to 26.

It should be noted that dairy cattle breeding is one of the prior areas of the Tatarstan agro-industrial complex and, thanks to the implementation by the Ministry of a range of measures to support the production and sale of milk in the republic, including the study of best practices and the regular trainings and practical seminars, positive results are noted. Tatarstan is a confident leader in terms of milk sales among Russian regions.

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