News from the fields: The harvest of this year will be inscribed in the history of the Tukaevsky district in gold letters

26 September 2019, Thursday

This year harvest is known to have been difficult. Nevertheless, the agrarians of the Tukaevsky district were able to achieve high results. Gross grain harvest amounted to 175 thousand tons, the average yield per hectare was 40.4 centners. This is the highest rate in the republic.

The head of the district, the heads of agricultural enterprises and peasant farms summed up the results of the year and shared their impressions.

“The agricultural workers of the Tukaevsky district managed to fully collect the crop, the foundation of which was laid back last year. A huge role was played by technical power and human resources. According to the indicators of the total volume of grain collected and average productivity per hectare, the Tukaevsky district was the first in the republic. I think this is a historic event. This is the result of the work of everyone in the agricultural industry. They brought this day closer with their selfless work throughout the year, ”says Fail Kamaev, the head of the Tukaevsky district.

 “In 12 clear and dry days, we were able to harvest grain. The average yield per hectare of rye was 43 centners, spring wheat - 48 centners. The timely implementation of agricultural activities and the use of reliable, modern technology helped us to achieve high results. They laid 800 quintals of seeds. 8 thousand quintals of bread, which passed the initial cleaning, were sent to the Chelninsky Bakery in an average of 8 rubles a kilogram. In the future we plan to store the harvest until the new year, ”the head of the farm, Mintalip Minekhanov, shares his plans.

The head of Kama agricultural company Raushan Kharisov said that 38 combines worked in the fields. From an area of 14.8 thousand hectares, about 64 thousand tons of crops were harvested. The average yield per hectare is 44 centners, there were fields where the yield reached an average of 71 centners. Today, 50 thousand tons of grain delivered to the seed factory. Here, grain undergoes primary cleaning, drying and is sent to the towers for storage. In winter, the grain is calibrated. From the moment of acceptance to the sale, cereals are under the control of the laboratory. The plant will provide elite seeds to agricultural firms that are part of the Agrosila holding.

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