News from the fields of the Sarmanovsky district: at the helm pilots of beet harvesters

6 September 2019, Friday

Each district of Tatarstan is unique in its own way. If Aktanyshsky and Menzelinsky districts there are famous for their golden bread fields, in Sarmanovsky there is the largest area of sugar beets - 9,378 hectares.  So, this week there were regular awards of advanced combine harvesters working for harvesting grain crops and pilots of beet harvesters.

According to the results of the 5 days of harvesting, in the first group, all three places were took by combine harvesters of the Sarman agricultural firm, and combine harvesters of the agricultural firm "Nurkeevo" became the winners of the second group.

At the harvesting of sugar beets, the first and third places were taken by the mechanics of the Nurkeevo agricultural company Minnemuhametov Ruslan and Sattarov Almir, and the second place was taken by the mechanic of the Jalil agricultural company Valiev Ilnur.

Among the beet loaders, the leader of the agricultural company "Jalil" Muratov Damir is in the lead, the second is the driver of the agricultural company "Sarman" Ildarkhanov Rinat, and the third is the driver of the agricultural company "Nurkeevo" Yusupov Ilfat. When handling the prizes, the head of the Sarmanovsky district Farit Khusnullin wished the machine operators good health and further success in their work.

According to operational data, in the Sarmanovsky district as of September 6 44 thousand ha were threshed, which is 80% of the total number of harvested areas. 132.9 thousand tons of grain were threshed, grain yield is 37.7 centners per hectare. Sugar beets are harvested on an area of 1305 ha, which is more than 55 thousand tons, yield - 425 c / ha.

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