News from the fields of Buinsky district: Combiners try to use every minute efficiently

23 August 2019, Friday

Harvesting in the fields of Buinsky district is gaining momentum day by day. Combiners are trying to profit from every minute of sunny days. Now it is important to mobilize all forces. Material incentives for advanced workers are also provided. Weekly results are summed up, according to the results of which, the best combine operators who took first, second and third places are awarded with a prize and a letter of thanks from the head of the district.

This week, the best combine operators who achieved the highest rates in the area were: Ildus Nasybulin from Kommuna LLC, Sergey Mostyakov and Radis Tukhvatullov from Avangard LLC. They threshed 1232, 1171, 1162 tons on Akros-500 combines, respectively. Dmitry Sidorov, Firzyar Khattapov and Nail Zaynetdinov from Avangard LLC on New Holand brand combines also became the leaders of the week, having threshed 1625, 1619, 1525 tons respectively.

“These are real masters of their craft. So, Ildus Nasybulin and Dmitry Sidorov already became winners of the republican contest last year, ”said Ranis Gabitov, head of the Department of Agriculture and Food

The best harvesters of the region were congratulated by the head of the Buinsky municipal district, Marat Zyabbarov and the head of the Department of Agriculture and Food of the region, Ranis Gabitov. They thanked the workers for their good work and wished them luck in their responsible work.

According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, on August 23, 26.2 thousand ha were threshed in Buinsky district, which is already 52% of the total number of harvested areas, 81.5 thousand tons of grain were threshed, yield is 31.1 centners per hectare.

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