News from the fields of the Tukaevsky District: Bad Weather Test

8 August 2019, Thursday

Rainy weather so far this year does not allow farmers to harvest at full strength. Constant rains cause concern not only among farmers, but also among all the villagers.

According to experts of the Tukaevsky district, winter wheat, winter rye, peas and barley are fully ripen. Spring wheat is at the last stage of ripening. Under heavy rains the ears bend, grains fall out. Legumes are in the same position. This, of course, is alarming danger for farmers.

Because of rains, high grain moisture is maintained. During this period, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan recommends using grain drying equipment at full capacity. In the farms of the Tukaevsky district and grain receiving enterprises, more than 7 thousand tons of grain can be dried per day.

“The weather in August is expected to be rainy, and the republic’s agrarians should reconsider the tactics of harvesting,” Marat Akhmetov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, said at a meeting in the Government House informing about the progress of harvesting. The Minister emphasized that now farms should actively use their grain drying complexes.

Farms try to take advantage of every hour of clear weather. On Sunday, 17 combine harvesters entered the field located near the village of Shilnebash at the same time. The head of the agricultural company Raushan Kharisov said that that day machine operators from all departments of the agricultural company came to the field. The result of such organized work is 1000 tons of grain harvested from 140 hectares. The average yield was 70 centners.

“Harvest now is rich. In some fields, perhaps even 80 centners per hectare will come out. To stay idle when such breads grew up with us is like a crime! If the weather clears even a little, we’ll start cleaning at the same second, ”says Ravil Ildarkhanov, head of the KPK-1 agricultural company Kama.

Today everyone understands that the current harvest will not be easy. Therefore, it is necessary to effectively use every good hour, every opportunity for harvesting in a short time and without loss.

The head of the Yarysh farm, Rasim Shaikhatarov, says: “Almost every year, the weather brings new challenges to the farmers. The year 2019 was especially hard. Even during the ripening of bread in the evening, cold weather persisted it. But, despite all the difficulties, the harvest is rich. This is the result of timely and accurate implementation of agricultural activities. Large expenditures were spent on growing a rich crop - mineral fertilizers, fuels and lubricants, wages, etc. If we allow losses from the hard-to-grow crops, it will greatly undermine the economy of every farm. ”

Rishat Khatypov, the head of the R-Agro farm, shares his fears: “This summer, farmers were alarmed in earnest. Productivity is good - more than 40 centners per hectare, but there is no possibility for harvesting. We do not give up hoping that clear days will come. Yesterday I passed through the fields, and fortunately, there were no broken ears, grain is in place. So, everything is not so bad. ”

Grigory Semenov, a young combine operator, is also saying: “I have built a two-story house in my native village. To move in, I have only to purchase some small building materials and furniture. Having completed the cleaning in 32-40 days, I expected that I would get a solid salary. But the weather has made adjustments. "

According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, on August 8, 0.91 thousand ha has already been threshed, 3.5 thousand tons have been threshed, and the yield is 38.9 centners per hectare.

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