A meeting of the Council of Veterans at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan

31 July 2019, Wednesday

Today at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, a meeting of the Council of Veterans of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Republic of Tatarstan was held, dedicated to the Day of Formation of Industrial Poultry Production in Tatarstan. The event was attended by First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Nikolai Titov, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Agricultural Sector of the Republic of Tatarstan Mars Aliyev and veterans of the poultry industry.


“Today in Tatarstan there are 18.8 million heads of poultry. For the first half of 2019, 756.5 million eggs were produced, and 105.1 thousand tons of poultry meat, ”Nikolay Titov shared the latest industry news, noting that poultry farming in the republic is developing successfully with an annual positive dynamics of 5-6% . Also during the meeting, they discussed modern technologies for the production of poultry meat, export of finished products and industry prospects.


“Veterans of the agricultural industry, who laid a solid foundation for it, are our pride,” said Nikolai Titov, also thanking the Council of Veterans for the work they did and wishing everyone good health.


The Chairman of the Council of Veterans, in turn, thanked the Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Akhmetov and the Ministry for the comprehensive support. “We will make every effort so that not a single veteran would stay without attention,” Mars Aliyev said at the end of the meeting.


Recall that these days  the reception of veterans is organized every working day from 9 to 15:00 at  Fedoseevskaya street, 36. For more information, please call 8 (843) 221-77-97 and e-mail veteran_apkrt@mail.ru.


For reference:

On July 31, 1965, by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 155, the Tatar Trust “Ptitseprom” was organized, which included 2 breeding plants existing at that time - “Krasny Klyuch” and “Bugulminsky”, 3 poultry farms and 34 hatchery-poultry stations located in different areas of the republic. This date is celebrated in Tatarstan as a professional holiday for workers of  poultry industry.

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