Buinsk farmers started harvesting peas

22 July 2019, Monday

In Tatarstan, harvest time is approaching. The readiness of the equipment and the state of crops is under special control

On July 20, workers of the Avangard agrofirm of the Buinsk district began harvesting peas. The sowing area of ​​the Vatan and Fregat variety plots is 1000 ha. 17 units of equipment operate on the fields of the farm.

Currently, more than 100 hectares have been threshed, 301 tons of crop have been obtained. Productivity is 30 centners per hectare.

To date, the farm continues to desiccate pea crops, which allows proceeding to direct harvesting of this crop within 10 days. The resulting harvest of peas will be laid on the seeds.

For reference:

Desiccation is the dehydration of plant tissues by treating them with special preparations. It is used to facilitate machine harvest 5 to 15 days before it. This agricultural device is especially effective in wet weather when it rains during harvesting. After desiccation, the seeds in many cases do not need to be dried and cleaned; they can be immediately sent for storage.

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