News from the fields: Fodder harvesting is being completed in Tukayevsky district.

12 July 2019, Friday

Field work in the regions of the republic is under special control of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan. Fields of the republic work on the preparation of feed.

So, today the farms of the Tukaevsky district have prepared for wintering livestock 27 thousand tons of haylage, 12 thousand tons of hay, 73 tons of spruce feed. The mowing of perennial grasses was completed, and they began with the annual herbs. One conditional head of livestock needs 10.8 feed units. In terms of fodder procurement, the region is among the best, this is facilitated by favorable weather and high labor organization.

Now in the peasant farm "Vildanov" they are mowing annual grasses. The sown area of ​​the farm is 3 thousand hectares. This year, the company procured 3.5 thousand tons of haylage, 700 tons of hay and 5 tons of spruce feed. Thanks to favorable weather conditions, second grass cutting is possible.

Modern technology is involved into work: "Macdon", "Doits", MTZ and Kamaz. Their productivity averages 70-80 hectares per day. Each vehicle has its own mechanic.

“Fortunately, the grass is out of order now. It's nice to work. The technique is new, serviceable. What else do you need for the villager? The management of the company takes care of us. They are from morning to late evening with us in the fields. Here, in the field, we have even hot meals”, Ildar Tagirov says.

At the enterprise there is no shortage of personnel. The farm has a lot of those who moved here from other regions. For example, the Vinokourov family from Bashkortostan. Husband Vladimir is a mechanic, his wife Elizabeth works in the canteen.

“We are very pleased that we have such job. We do our best.

The farm plans to start harvesting a new crop at the end of July.

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