Marat Akhmetov urged agrarians to intensify work on plant protection

1 June 2019, Saturday

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Akhmetov reported at a meeting in the House of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan about the upcoming plant protection and harvesting of forage crops.

The meeting was held by Rustam Minnikhanov in the form of video conferencing with all municipal districts President of the Republic of Tatarstan. The meeting was attended by Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexei Pesoshin.

Marat Akhmetov said that in 2.5 months it is the  time for winter sowing. He stressed that the state of winter crops depends largely on working with green manure. So, this year not a single hectare of winter crops sown after green manure fallow was lost.

The area of ​​perennial grasses is 490 thousand hectares. Farmers will have to remove 470 thousand hectares for hay. “And this work should be done preferably within two weeks in order to get to the peak of the nutritional value of feed. The upcoming weather forecast is ideal for making high-quality hay and haylage”, said Marat Akhmetov.

The period of large-scale plant protection work has begun. About 290 thousand hectares of crops require care and protection against pests, 206 thousand hectares against diseases, 734 thousand hectares against weeds. “There are two key points of technology. It is necessary to carry out four sheet top-dressings, combining them with protective measures. In addition, each ton of water, and we will use about 500 thousand tons, must undergo preliminary preparation, with normalization of temperature, acidity and hardness. And this is impossible without stationary mortar nodes, ”said Marat Akhmetov.

He added that today in Tatarstan there are about 80 mortar nodes and they are being constructed in many areas. However, so far 17 districts do not have a single mortar node. “Only because of the quality of water, the amount of losses can reach 1 billion rubles. Therefore, we ask the heads of the regions to be more involved in this work, ”the minister concluded.


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