Tatarstan cooperatives have purchased and manufactured the production for 1.4 billion rubles

31 May 2019, Friday

“Starting from 2015, state consumer support measures are provided to state agricultural enterprises in the form of grants for the development of the material and technical base. Since then, 64 agricultural consumer cooperatives have received grant support in the amount of 740.3 million rubles. 212 jobs were created. Projects are being implemented for the processing of milk, meat, vegetables, the production of animal feed, starch, as well as the construction of slaughter stations, the modernization of workshops and the construction of storage facilities, ”said Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Rishat Habipov.

He also noted that in 2019 state measures were provided for the development of agricultural consumer processing and marketing cooperatives in the form of grants in the amount of 300 million rubles.

“From 2019, state support will also be provided within the framework of a national project. The regional project “Creating a Support System for Farmers and Agricultural Consumer Cooperatives” provides a set of measures. For 2019, the republic approved 339.3 million rubles of federal funds. 79.6 million rubles are from the republican budget” added Rishat Habipov.

It is planned that in the current year 68 new small businesses will be created, including KFH and cooperatives.

Also, in order to implement the Program for the Development of Agricultural Consumer Cooperation in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2017–2020, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan established the “Center for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation in Republic of Tatarstan ”in order to organize and implement measures aimed at the creation and development of agricultural cooperatives in the Republic of Tatarstan.

“In the Republic of Tatarstan there are non-financial measures to support the development of cooperation. Regional seminars-meetings, information and consultation trips to municipal districts, individual consultations are held systematically. Implemented measures to support cooperation are aimed at involving farmers and private farms in cooperation, increasing their financial sustainability and increasing production volumes, ”added Rishat Habipov.


For reference:

A total of 263 agricultural consumer cooperatives are registered in Tatarstan, including 58 supply and marketing, 86 processing, 14 credit, and 105 other cooperatives.

In 2018, cooperatives purchased and manufactured products worth 1.4 billion rubles. Goods were sold for 625.5 million rubles, 68.8 million rubles of which were for supplying enterprises, and 411.6 million rubles for procession.

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