News from the fields: Control of crops takes place in Zainsky and Kaibitsky districts

30 May 2019, Thursday

On May 29, the agricultural units of Zainsky district began to check the crops. Razif Karimov, head of the district, Fargat Kamaliev, head of the agriculture and food department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, and plant growers take part in it.

Control of crops began according to tradition in the early morning on the fields of LLC Niva and the Polytechnic College. We examined two fields: one - from 21 to 24 August 2018 was sown with winter wheat on 405 hectares, the other - from 23 to 25 April - with sugar beet on 113 hectares. A mechanicator of Niva LLC Valery Matveyev, who had been in the ranks of farmers for about forty years, participated in the sowing of beets, so he knows all the subtleties of how to get strong shoots and a good harvest.

According to Razif Karimov, the district administration, agricultural enterprises and each farmer were well organized for the spring field work . The only thing is that the time of the sowing campaign was slightly delayed due to the cold weather. There were some losses that were recovered.

“Out of 17,500 hectares, winter wheat was resown on approximately 1,200 hectares. That's not a lot. In other municipalities of the republic, from 50 to 80 percent of the area was moved, - the head of the district analyzed the situation, - There were difficulties with sugar beet. The rain washed off some of the crops, so we had to additionally purchase seeds that would be sown on 210 - 220 hectares. At the same time, tillering of existing seedlings is good, largely due to the fact that Zainsk agrarians are engaged in agriculture on an industrial basis, namely, they fertilize in time, make foliar dressing and provide high-quality chemical protection.

As the head of the region noted, during two days, on May 29 and 30, they will inspect all the fields of the Zainsky agricultural units. Following the results of the inspection, the 250 best farmers who participated in the spring field work will be identified. At Sabantuy, June 8, they will receive well-deserved awards. At the festival they will also namethe best sower, which traditionally will get a car. To remind, last year the mechanic of the Alga subdivision of the Zai agricultural firm Aidar Galimov, who received the Lada Grant car, was the best one.


Control of crops began in the Kaibitsky district on May 29. A special commission evaluates compliance with the technology of planting and caring for crops. “This year the spring field work was very organized,” notes Firgat Basyrov, head of the agricultural department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, “however, 8500 hectares of winter wedge had to be sifted. In general, the results of the survey got a positive assessment: the fields are clean, shoots are good. In the fields, additional feeding and processing of crops against pests of diseases and weeds continues. ”


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