Agrarians' everyday life: In the Nurlatsky area of the tractor went to the fields for harrowing

11 April 2019, Thursday

On April 10, a special commission under the supervision of the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Rishat Khabipova checked the readiness of all farms in the Nurlatsky district for spring field work.

The final point on the commission’s route was “AI Suleymanov”, where the deputy minister met with the heads of all farms. Heads of the district executive committee Linar Manyapov, head of the agriculture and food department of the district Rafis Ganiyev and investor of the economy Ahtyam Suleymanov also talked to the participants.

“In general, the Nurlatsky district is ready for spring field work. It is necessary to especially notice the readiness of the farms “Suleimanov A.I.”, “Yuzhnaya”, “IRS”, Rishat Khabipov noted. - This year is special, the land absorbs the melt water very quickly. And the spring field work will need to be carried out in optimal time, as long as there is moisture. The area has all the possibilities for it, and most importantly, there is a good mood. ” In the farm "Suleimanov A.I." this year will sow on 18 thousand hectares. As the head of the farm Irek Haydarzyanov said that 64 units of tractors and cars were fully prepared. 9 of April perennial grasses were put in place. And the 10th of April, immediately after receiving the equipment, another 7 tractors headed for the harrowing fields.

Special attention in the area is paid to labor protection. In November, machine operators passed a special training. “For the first quarter of this year, 30 meetings of the coordination council on labor protection were held. There were 7 on-site inspections of construction and overhaul facilities, transport and road organizations, and utility companies, ”Linar Manyapov said. The district is paying attention on the health of employees. All 380 people are undergoing medical examination.

We remind that the special commissions of the Ministry will check all the farms of the republic and assess readiness for spring field work. A competition among organizations for the best readiness for spring field work has been announced in the republic . Winners will be awarded by the Ministry.


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