The first magistracy of the Ministry of Agriculture opens at MGIMO

3 April 2019, Wednesday

MGIMO is launching the first in Russia master program in management training for the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. The Master in World Agrarian Markets is focused primarily on training high-level specialists who can effectively represent the interests of the country on world agricultural markets. The program is implemented in cooperation with the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the Moscow Agricultural Academy  Timiryazeva and Kuban State Agrarian University.

The master's degree program was created in accordance with the cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia and MGIMO, signed in December 2018 by the Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev and the rector Anatoly Torkunov. The agreements, in particular, provide the opening of the department “International Agrarian Markets and Foreign Economic Activity in the Agro-Industrial Complex” on the basis of the School of Business and International Competences of MGIMO.

“The Russian agro-industrial complex faces the task of significantly increasing export volumes and entering new markets. That is why the professional training of specialized specialists is particularly important. The knowledge of rare foreign languages is also appreciated for engaging in the promotion of Russian agricultural products in the world. The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia together with MGIMO created a specialized department, part of which is the master's program "World Agrarian Markets". I am convinced that its graduates will be in demand both in state structures and in business, will be able to represent Russia’s interests abroad adequately and competently and will contribute to the development of the agro-industrial complex of our country, ”Dmitry Patrushev emphasized.

“MGIMO has always trained personnel for the foreign economic sphere, and today we follow the needs of the market and the Russian state, we understand the need for qualified personnel to promote Russian agricultural producers in the global agricultural markets. Since last summer, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, with our trustees representing the agrarian sector and agrarian regions, we have created a set of educational programs consisting of three elements. One of them is the master's program “World Agricultural Markets”. In its preparation, we work closely with the best agricultural universities of the country - Timiryazev Academy, Stavropol and Kuban Agrarian Universities, ”said Anatoly Torkunov, the rector of MGIMO.

Training in the magistracy on specialization is built taking into account the specifics of the agricultural business, which will allow graduates to apply their knowledge when forming an effective strategy for entering new foreign agricultural markets. The program provides visitis of partner universities and intensive study of a common and professional foreign language.

You can apply for the program from June 17 to July 20, 2019. Tests will be held the 23 of July 2019. Start training is on 2 September. More information about the structure of the program and admission can be found April 4, 2019 at the Open Day of Magistracy MGIMO.

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