In the Zelenodolsk school was held a competition by the project "I choose the village"

1 April 2019, Monday

Last week, the final stage of the IX Republican contest of research, design and creative work of students was held at the Zelenodolsk District at the Kurguzinsky school.

The event is held here for eight years and is designed to make children love their native land. The organizers note a great interest in this competition for schoolchildren in many regions of the republic. The guys, preparing for speeches, studied the history of their small homeland, communicated with local farmers, joined in to feasible physical labor.

During the competition, participants presented their research and creative projects, and also told why it is important to preserve and develop the native village. They prepared interesting researchs on the themes “Here is my village, here is my home,” “There will be a village — I will be there!” (History, ecology, ethnography), “Village is a profitable place” (homestead farming, agricultural technology, folk crafts, rural tourism, rural home) and “Teachers: from work experience”.

88 students of 4-9 grades were submitted to the competition. 21 people took part in the section for teachers: teachers and tutors of educational institutions of Atninsky, Apastovsky, Vysokogorsky, Spassky, Tetyushsky, Zelenodolsky, Aznakaevsky, Alekseevsky, Tyulyachinsky, Arsky, Yutazinsky, Kukmorsky, Sabinsky municipal formations of the republic.

According to the results, 8 winners and 14 prize winners were determined. The best works of schoolchildren will be included in the collection "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and the person in it is an employee."


For reference:

The competition is aimed at identifying talented children, supporting children's creativity in the field of studying nature, history, and ethnography of their native land, attracting the attention of schoolchildren to the professions of agricultural workers, and spreading pedagogical experience in studying the traditions and culture of their people.

The tasks of the competition are to form an image of a rural worker as a successful person participating in solving the most important social, economic and environmental problems of rural areas, educating talented students who love their small homeland, who know its history and ecology, rural work and life, the formation of vital practical skills in organizing their own business in a personal subsidiary and farm.

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