Marat Akhmetov got acquainted with the experience of colleagues from Tajikistan in animal husbandry and farming

19 March 2019, Tuesday

Today Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Akhmetov, during a working visit to the Republic of Tajikistan, visited the cattle-breeding farm named after Abdrauf Yusupov in the city of Gissar, where he got acquainted with milk processing.

Here in Gissar, Marat Akhmetov visited the 15th anniversary of Independence of Tajikistan’s dekhan  farm, that was founded in 2006, examined plum and apple orchards and got acquainted with the experience of colleagues from Tajikistan.


For reference:

The Gissar district is one of the regions of republican subordination located in the west of Tajikistan. It stretched out a narrow strip from south to north along the valley of the Kafirnagan River and its tributary Khanka. Also in the area lays the Grand Hisor Channel. The north of the region is occupied by the mountains of Gissar range, the plain of the Gissar valley is in the south. The administrative center is the old town of Gissar. The district was founded in 1932 and until 1951 belonged to the Stalinabad region. The economy of the region is mainly agrarian. Irrigated agriculture is developed on the plain, in mountainous regions - animal husbandry.

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