A practical workshop on efficient livestock and forage harvesting was held in Kazan

15 March 2019, Friday

On March 15, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, on the basis of the FGBOU DPO "Tatar Institute for Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel" a seminar was held on the theme "The way to the grand milk. The components of the success of effective animal husbandry ”. They talked about the effect of feed quality on the milk productivity of cows, reproduction and cattle health.

More than 70 managers and specialists of farms of the regions took part in the seminar.

Sergey Panchuk, an expert on fodder production, told about selection achievements of the seed material of fodder crops, drew attention to the importance of the variety and hybrids for haylage improving . The expert also focused on the technologies of sowing and harvesting, named the main mistakes made when sowing and harvesting fodder crops.

Feed preparation expert Tatyana Nagaeva spoke about the impact of feed quality on the milk production of cows, reproduction and cow health.

Vladimir Sluzhkov gave a lecture on new products in the diet of cattle and the preparation of feed mixture, drew attention to the reasons for the rejection of cows.

Associate Professor, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences at the Tatar Institute for Retraining of Agribusiness Personnel Damir Minnebaev told about ways to increase the efficiency of reproduction.

The seminar also discussed issues of increasing the output of calves and improving the efficiency of veterinary measures, proper soil preparation for sowing, and the necessary equipment for growing and harvesting feed.

The seminar participants discussed with interest the seeding rates, the need for rolling soil before and after sowing, the width of the aisle when sowing perennial crops, and other practical issues.

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