Tatarstan continues to implement state support measures for private farms

5 March 2019, Tuesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan provides subsidies to citizens who own personal subsidiary farms and subsidies for the maintenance of dairy cows, goatlings and goats older than one year and subsidies for the veterinary care of dairy cows. In 2019, this is a unified subsidy.

According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan “ On Measures of State Support of the Agro-Industrial Complex at the expense of the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan ”, the following subsidy rates were approved.

Their size is:

for one cow - 2300 rubles,

for two cows - 3300 rubles per head,

three or more cows - 4300 rubles per 1 head.

The subsidy for goats older than one year is given in the amount of 500 rubles per head.

Subsidies for veterinary care are provided on the basis of data on actual costs incurred by private farms, confirmed by accounting documents.

In order to optimize the collection of documents and reduce the number of documents provided for veterinary services of dairy cows, private farms are provided with a local government agency only a service agreement providing 100% prepayment in the amount of 500 rubles for 1 head of a cow. 300 rubles of which is reimbursed in the form of subsidies.

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