It is planned to include milk in the system of electronic certification from July.

2 March 2019, Saturday

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development have agreed on the inclusion of dairy products into the electronic veterinary certification system “Mercury” from the 1st of July. Fermented milk products will enter it from the 1st of November 2019.

Draft orders on amendments to the lists of controlled goods to be accompanied by veterinary documents have already passed public discussion and received the conclusion of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

It is planned that milk, condensed and non-condensed cream and whey, butter, milk pastes, cheese and cottage cheese will be included in the system of electronic certification. From November, they will begin to certify buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kefir and other fermented milk and cream.

To remind, the system “Mercury” has been introduced in Russia 1 July of 2018 - agricultural raw materials, some finished animal products and some cereals must be accompanied by electronic veterinary certificates. The system records information about livestock products made, transported and sold in Russia. The Rosselkhoznadzor, the developer and operator of the Mercury system, notes that the electronic veterinary certification system makes it possible to control the movement of the producer’s supervised products to the recipient, in other words to track from farm to the counter.

"Putting in order in this area will also contribute to the civilized development of agriculture as an industry, and, most importantly, have a positive impact on people's health. This will certainly strengthen our position in the market and, above all, in the domestic market, because it works and will continue working on the interests of the consumer", - said President Vladimir Putin.

In addition to dairy products, products containing less than half of animal products, milk or fish products (provided that the products have been thermally treated to the full change in the natural properties of the raw product) are exempted from electronic veterinary certification.

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