Marat Akhmetov on livestock breeding in the Republic of Tatarstan: 80 breeding plants and reproducers work in 19 districts

2 March 2019, Saturday

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Akhmetov reported on the state of livestock breeding in the Republic of Tatarstan today at the republican meeting in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The meeting in the form of videoconferencing with all municipal districts was held by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin.

In 19 municipal districts, 80 breeding plants and reproducers operate. According to the state program, one of the priority areas of state support for the agro-industrial complex is the development of dairy cattle breeding, Marat Akhmetov recalled and dwelt on this industry.

According to the minister, in the republic 58 breeding farms have 62 thousand heads of dairy cows. In the rating of regions of Russia in terms of the number of pedigree cows, Tatarstan with a share of 5.7% ranks 2nd, behind the Leningrad Region. Next come the Kirov and Sverdlovsk regions.

Breeding stock is represented by breeds - Holstein, Kholmogory of Tatarstan type, black-and-white, Simmental.

Breeding farms, having 26% of cows, produce 35% of the public sector milk, said Marat Akhmetov.

By year, the productivity of cows in agricultural formations exceeded 5.5 tons, in breeding enterprises - more than 7 tons (a 103% increase by 2017).

“For the current year, we set the task of bringing the breeding cow to 7.5 tons. And the genetic potential is maximized when implementing high-tech projects. This year, in the process of implementation by breeding farms - 9 innovative dairy complexes for 9.5 thousand goals, of which 3 objects for 1700 cows with robotization of the milking processes. The accumulated experience in the existing modern complexes already shows high efficiency - cows with 10 or more tons of milk yield are not something supernatural. ”

Marat Akhmetov noted that some farms, thanks to timely investments, despite the sharp decline in purchase prices for milk, even managed to save cash proceeds from its implementation by simultaneously increasing the productivity of the dairy herd.

“The breeding value of the dairy herd of dairy farms of the republic is highly valued both in Russia and abroad. Over the past year, more than 500 heads of heifers and bulls were sold to Kazakhstan, Orenburg and Penza regions, Bashkortostan. And more than 5 thousand heads were delivered inside the republic, ”said the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In conclusion, Marat Akhmetov noted the Tatar breed of horses. “In December 2018, the RF State Commission on Testing and Protection of Breeding Achievements included the Tatar horse breed in the Federal State Register. There are more than 500 heads of such horses in the republic, in reproduction and increase in the number of which we will continue to work, ”he said.

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