Regionalization will give additional impetus to the development of agribusiness subjects

21 February 2019, Thursday

In Kazan was held one of meetings of the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia with regional AIC departments. Its purpose was to discuss the issues of state support for farmers of the Volga Federal District and the development of rural areas and small business forms. The meeting was attended by First Deputy Minister of Agriculture Jambulat Hatuov, Deputy Ministers - Oksana Lut and Elena Fastova, representatives of the agricultural departments of the Volga Federal District.

During the event, it was noted that in the current year the amount of funds allocated for the implementation of measures of the State Program for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex increased to 303.6 billion rubles (254.1 billion rubles a year earlier). The meeting also reviewed changes in the mechanisms of the “single” subsidy, insurance with state support and the provision of compensation for direct costs incurred.

In 2019, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia made a decision to include 828 applications in the register of borrowers (498 applications belong to small business forms) from 720 borrowers who plan to conclude credit agreements for receiving preferential short-term loans totaling 32.88 billion rubles.

The meeting also presented a new concept of regionalization, aimed at stimulating the “growth points” of the agroindustrial complex of the subjects. Together with the regions, the Ministry of Agriculture will determine the direction and priorities of the development based on the potential of the subjects, needs of the neighboring regions, as well as the goals set for the AIC of Russia. In the near future, it is planned to form forecasts of agricultural production in the regions, based on the objectives of increasing exports, to agree on targets for 2019-2024, and to develop an action plan to achieve the set targets. The system of financing the industry from the federal budget will gradually be transformed. Certain types of subsidies will be divided into stimulating and compensating mechanisms, which will allow not only to expand production, but also to intensify it.

The Ministry of Agriculture works systematically with the regions on the development of the agro-industrial complex. In early February, the Minister of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev made a working visit to the Tula Region, where he discussed the potential for increasing exports of agricultural products in the regions of the Central Federal District. A similar event with the participation of the Minister, the direction of the Republic of Tatarstan and representatives of the subjects of the Volga Federal District will be held in Kazan tomorrow, 22nd February of 2019.

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