Marat Akhmetov noted high farming culture in Aktanyshsky district

21 February 2019, Thursday

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic Marat Akhmetov on 20 February praised the activities of the Aktanysh residents at a meeting of the Council of the Aktanyshsky District Municipality dedicated to the results of work in 2018 and tasks for 2019.

Aktanysh is one of top five regions with high rates. Marat Akhmetov marked the possibility to grow a rich harvest regardless of weather conditions. In addition, the reserves in the region will soon bring the gross grain harvest to 200 thousand tons.

“In a dry year, the price of bread is high and you may successfully use this opportunity to strengthen the economy,” he said.

The successes achieved in the dairy industry were not ignored. He puts the work of the head of the district, Engel Navapovich, as an example. His work with each individual entrepreneur at meetings in rural settlements, studying their needs and so on.

“The district has a target program for livestock breeding in private farms. You help each family, each entrepreneur to control his life, to create his own stable place”, summed up Marat Akhmetov.

At the end of the event, the Minister thanked the Aktanysh workers for the productive work, preservation of culture, traditions and customs in the region and presented state awards to especially distinguished specialists.


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