February 2021

Scientists of the TatNIISH, a separate structural subdivision of the FRC KazSC RAS, under the leadership of Candidate of Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher Alexandr Fadeev, have developed methods for intensifying the production of vegetable protein based on the mobilization of pea genetic resources and improving the elements of cultivation technology aimed at realizing the high potential of yield and quality. The study became the winner of the competition of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan among scientific research and development of agro-industrial complex.

February 2021

Scientists of the TatNIISH, a separate structural subdivision of the FRC KazSC RAS, under the leadership of candidate of agricultural sciences, leading researcher Vasily Blokhin, optimized the mineral nutrition of new varieties of spring barley to increase the yield and quality of grain. The study became the winner of the competition of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan among scientific research and development in the field of agro-industrial complex.

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