The VI International scientific and practical conference "Agriculture and food security: technologies, innovations, markets, personnel" dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the Kazan Agronomic Scientific School began its work in Kazan the day before.
A new farm project aimed at developing dairy farming is being implemented in the Kuyukovsky rural settlement of the Laishevsky district. It is planned to create a farm for 200 heads of cattle with an annual milk production of at least 1,200 tons. Thanks to this project, at least eight jobs will be created. The investment volume will amount to 70.589 million rubles. The head of the municipality, Ildus Zaripov, supported this idea at the investment council in Laishevo.
In Kazan, the business plans of the participants of the fifth stream of the educational project of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Farmer's School" were presented. The commission, consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of Tatarstan, Kazan State Agrarian University, and the Russian Agricultural Bank, reviewed more than 30 business projects, and almost all of them received high marks for their deep elaboration and relevance.
Online voting is underway on the Tatarstan State Services Portal to select public goals and objectives for six social ministries, determined by residents of the republic for the coming year.
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