Agrosila entered the top 30 largest milk producers

4 August 2022, Thursday

A rating of the largest milk producers, prepared based on the results of 2021, was presented by the National Union of Milk Producers Soyuzmoloko, Streda Consulting and Milknews. It is reported that the top 30 largest producers increased their volumes by 320,000 tons, and the total growth of the sector is estimated at no more than 250,000 tons. The increase in milk volumes is ensured, among other things, through the implementation of large investment projects, the increase in livestock productivity and level of reproduction.

Agrosila with a milk yield of 68.2 thousand tons took 22nd place, moving up three positions compared to the previous rating. Compared to 2020, the company increased milk yield by 22%.

Recall that the processing of milk is carried out by Agrosila-Moloko LLC, one of the largest manufacturers of high-quality and safe dairy products in the Republic of Tatarstan. On average, the enterprise receives 195 tons of milk per day, and the production capacity for processing milk per day today is 210 tons. "Agrosila-Moloko" produces 157 types of products of various brands, including its own: "Agrosila", "Prosto Moloko".

In 2020, Agrosila-Moloko LLC began implementing a project to build a line of brine and a line of semi-hard cheeses. The total investment in the project is 1 billion 490.7 million rubles. As of today, 1 billion 397.6 million rubles have been invested in the line, another 93.1 million rubles are to be invested. Pickled cheese El Greco is already being produced, and a test launch of a line of semi-hard cheeses will take place at the end of August. This line will produce a wide range of semi-hard cheeses under the Agrosila trademark.

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