Winter and spring crops on the experimental fields of Agrovolga

20 June 2022, Monday

In Kazan, on July 6-8, guests of the International Agro-Industrial Exhibition AGROVOLGA 2022 will be able to get acquainted with the achievements in domestic and foreign breeding, diversity in the field of fertilizers and plant protection products, as well as see the experiences of companies in real field conditions.

More than 220 promising and most adapted novelties of domestic and foreign selection can be evaluated at the new variety testing site. A lot of basic crops will be presented at this site in the fields of AGROVOLGA - winter crops, varieties and hybrids of cereals and legumes, fodder and industrial crops (wheat, barley, oats, peas, buckwheat, corn, sunflower, sugar beet, flax, toy, rapeseed ). These experiments are carried out jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, "Rosselkhoztsentr", "Gossortkomissiya" and TatNIISH FRC KazNTs.

Another pleasant surprise for farmers at the exhibition will be a long-term experimental field with fodder grass mixtures laid this year. There you can visually compare several manufacturers and choose the best for yourself. The name of this site "Multi-year field" speaks for itself, and we will observe the results of this experiment for several years. Seeds for this site were provided by dealers Dialog Trade, Region Korma and Lira Pharm.

In the experimental fields, more than 30 companies will demonstrate their achievements in breeding, diversity in the field of fertilizers and protection products. For example, the general sponsor of the exhibition, Ammonius, will demonstrate experiments on the topic “The effect of liquid nitrogen fertilizers”. Guests of the exhibition will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the KAS 32 fertilizer on the development and yield of sunflower, corn and rapeseed, as well as compare the effectiveness with ammonium nitrate in equal doses of the active substance, and the background will be a complex fertilizer - diammophosk.

The sponsor of the "Crop production" section - the company August - will demonstrate solutions that protect crops from all adverse factors. In particular, visitors will be able to get acquainted with the current systems for protecting plants from diseases, weeds and pests.

PhosAgro-Region, the largest Russian distribution network of mineral fertilizers, the sponsor of the AGROVOLGA 2022 business program, will demonstrate mineral nutrition systems with the main application of PhosAgro complex mineral fertilizers with microelements at the exhibition experimental field. PhosAgro-Region will present an unprecedented range of spring crops at pilot plots: wheat, barley, oats, peas, corn, oil flax and sunflower.

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