The most beautiful cow was chosen in Tatarstan

2 July 2021, Friday

As part of the International Agro-industrial Exhibition "Agrovolga-2021", a beauty contest among cows was held in Tatarstan. The best cows and calves of Holstein cattle were determined.


The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov, Head of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Breeding of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Olga Lastochkina.


"This competition is being held for the first time. We went abroad and decided to hold a competition among breeding cows in Tatarstan. More than 90 Holstein cows participate in the event, these are the best agricultural producers who are engaged in dairy farming. Thank you all for your participation. In the future, we will develop this competition, " said Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov.


On behalf of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Breeding of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the participants were greeted by Olga Lastochkina, Head of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Breeding of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.


"Dairy cattle breeding has a priority for development in animal husbandry. This event is very significant for the Republic of Tatarstan, because you are the leader in milk production in Russia. This year, despite the difficult epidemiological situation, we see positive dynamics, and this is a merit of our breeders and technologists of breeding livestock, " Olga Lastochkina said.


The cows were evaluated according to the linear features of the exterior, approved by the World Federation of the Holstein-Frisian Breed. There are 18 main signs, each country has its own additional ones, and the shortcomings of animals are also taken into account. All signs are divided into complex blocks: dairy cow, fatness, physique, udder and limbs. One of the selection criteria is the gait of a cow.


Shebek Tamas, an international professional appraiser of the National Association of Holstein-Frisian Cattle Producers of the Hungarian Republic, was invited to the competition for an independent evaluation and selection of winners.


"I am impressed, it is a wonderful competition. I am sure that in the future this competition will grow and become popular in Russia. We tried to make today's show the same as in European countries. I wish Tatarstan to continue working in this direction, you are developing very quickly, because you have all the tools for the development of animal husbandry, " Shebek Tamas said.


More than one beautiful cow was chosen at the competition.


In the group "heifers", the first place was taken by the cow of Ilnur Shamsutdinov from the farm of Kukmor district, 2nd place – Ruslan Nurullin from JSC "Krasny Vostok Agro" of the Alkeevsky district, 3rd place - Aidar Galiyev from the Ural agricultural Complex of Kukmor district.


In one of nominations, the first place was taken by the cow of Ilzira Safina from the agricultural complex " TAN "of the Atninsky district, the 2nd place was taken by Andrey Vetoshkin from LLC" Mir "of the Yelabuga district, the 3rd place was taken by Damir Shakirov from LLC" Vostok " of the Kukmor district.


In the group "full-aged cows", the first place was taken by the cow of Rais Nigamadshin from the "Kyzyl Yul" of the Baltasinsky district, the second place was taken by Andrey Vetoshkin from LLC "Mir" of the Yelabuga district, the third place was taken by Shamil Galiakhmetov from LLC "Vakhitovo" of the Kukmor district.

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