More than 90 cows of Tatarstan will compete for the title of the best

16 June 2021, Wednesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan reminds that the International Agro-Industrial Exhibition "AGROVOLGA" will be held in the Republic of Tatarstan from July 1 to 3.  Within the framework of the exhibition, for the first time, a competition of breeding cattle will be held, where accredited judges of the international level will determine the best Holstein cows.

Farms from 40 districts of the republic will take part in the competition. These are advanced agricultural enterprises, where the productivity of cows reaches the world and European level. A total of 93 cows have been declared. The best of the best were chosen by the experts of the Holstein Cattle Association.

Proper conditions are necessary for the comfortable keeping of a large number of competitive animals during the exhibition. For this purpose, a special pavilion will be built, where the cows will be fed, watered, milked, washed, sheared, etc. An arena with bleachers for 200 people will also be built for the competition in accordance with the standards.

During the competition, farms will be able to demonstrate their selection and breeding achievements, share and exchange experience with their neighbors.

They will choose not only one beautiful cow, but several categories and nominations: full-aged cows, first-heifers, the best group of calves, the best udder, and others. The best handler will also be selected – this is the guide dog of the animal.

The cows will be evaluated according to the linear exterior features approved by the World Federation of Holstein-Frisian Breeds. There are 18 main signs, each country has its own additional ones, and the shortcomings of animals are also taken into account. All signs are divided into complex blocks: dairy cow, fatness, physique, udder and limbs. One of the selection criteria is the cow's gait.  For this purpose, the specialists of farms have been trained by representatives of the Holstein Cattle Association for more than a month.

For an independent evaluation and selection of winners, we invited the international professional appraiser of the National Association of Holstein-Frisian Cattle Producers of the Republic of Hungary, Szebek Tamas. It is up to him to determine the winners.

As part of the business program of the event, animal breeders will be able to exchange experience. Everyone is welcome, admission is free.

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