A new modern land reclamation system has been launched in Tatarstan

29 May 2021, Saturday

From July 1 to 3, Tatarstan will host the largest field-format exhibition "AGROVOLGA 2021" organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan .

This is a comprehensive event, including an open-air agro-industrial exhibition and a business forum at the Kazan Expo venues, where modern achievements and the latest agricultural technologies will be demonstrated.

At the exhibition, you will be able to see new varieties of agricultural crops and a wide range of equipment for agricultural producers.

The reclamation specialists of Tatarstan will present a new modern reclamation system.

Specialists of JSC Trust Company "Tatmelioration" have developed a project for the construction of a reservoir and irrigation system. The project provides the construction of an artificial reservoir, two water wells, a power supply system, a modern buried pumping station, as well as a pipeline network that allows you to organize irrigation with different types of sprinklers, including drum-and-reel type of various modifications to modern circular wide-span irrigation installations "Kazanka". The project was successfully put into operation this week. The system allows to minimize climate risks.

The presence of artificial irrigation allows us to demonstrate the advantages of individual elements of cultivation technologies and the maximum genetic potential of crop varieties, to exclude their dependence on the natural moisture supply of the growing season and other natural and climatic conditions.

Recall that Tatarstan is a region of risky agriculture, where atmospheric droughts are repeated more often and alternate with rare rainy years.  In these conditions, agricultural production can not do without complex land reclamation, because otherwise, natural and climatic risks will doom domestic agriculture to failure. Reclamation measures can fully or significantly compensate for the decrease in yield.

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