Agrostartup helped them to start

11 May 2021, Tuesday

A new farm has appeared in the village of Small Alat. And this means that another point of growth appeared on the area map of the district.

The mechanic Rashit Hairov built the farm "Motherland". And it was his son Rinat who prompted him to this. It’s a pretty rare case, by the way, - usually it’s parents who send children to the right path.

What was the Hairovy? House with extensive meadow. There were 9 decent cows, with a dozen bulls, fifty sheep, chickens. And since he, Rinat with his wife and children lived in the house, the livestock experience has been accumulated together. And in 2010 Rinat persuaded his father to quit the ATP-2, where he worked at that time, and seriously impend in agriculture.

In 2019, within the framework of the National Project "Small and Middle Entrepreneurship and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiative" there was a new program of support for beginner farmers - "Agrostartup". They learned about the management of agriculture and decided to use it.

"We thought for a long time, what business to do," Rashit Yunusovich says. - And we came to the conclusion that more profitable for us will be fattening cattle. First, there labor costs are lower, secondly, there is always demand for meat.

They won the competitive selection, the farm received a grant of 3 million rubles. According to its business project and a contract with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the RT Farmer was supposed to build a farm and bring the livestock of bulls on fattening up to 80 goals.

There were not enough funds to perform the task, so the family took loans: the head of the family, his wife, son and his wife. Welding works, for example, were made by Rinat, a specialist with legal and higher technical education. The eldest son, wife and other relatives helped them.

And in the fall last year, the farm was commissioned. Half of the room - for young man, is intended for dust-free content, the other half is for the attainment of the content of bulls on fattening. A fence for the flowing platform is in construction stage.

"Now our task is to build the livestock of animals," says Rashit Yunusovich.

In parallel, the farmer is engaged in creating a feed base. He has 75 hectares of land in rental. Last year, he processed it, and set up 30 hectares of perennial herbs, 25 hectares of wheat and 20 hectares of barley. Seeds were prepared, mineral fertilizers also stack. Technique for sowing is tractor, harrows, cultivator, seeders. Field work began. In the meantime, Hairov's cattle is fed with meadow hay with disobes, which are splashing, by purchased concentrates, including corn flour and various additives: cake, meal.

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