Note to farmers: cows need a professional "pedicure"

28 April 2021, Wednesday

Professional hoof trimming is a very important element in the provision of cattle health. Hoof problems lead to low mobility, poor appetite and even risk of death of the animal. Specialists grind hooves according to professional patterns.

So, on the basis of the dairy complex "August-Muslyum", orthopedic specialists recently received training in functional hoof trimming. During the event, veterinarians tested a new machine from Udmurtia.

“The cow that first came to the pedicure was very surprised at first. But then she decided that she still liked the services rendered! " - says Natalia Kozlova, chief technologist of the August-Agro Management Company.

According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, the number of cattle in "August Muslyum" is 1871 heads. The herd is replenished with highly yielding Holstein-Friesian heifers from Germany.

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