Field processing monitoring service is launched in Tatarstan

13 April 2021, Tuesday

The sprayer monitoring service was created in order to increase the yield in the Republic of Tatarstan and control the frequency of treatment of fields by sprayers. Farms that join the system will receive an increased state support.

“The service was launched within the framework of the Agropolya project, the technology is connected with a geographic information system, where specialists keep field passports and indicate what kind of crop and processing should be there, as well as with the GLONASS system, according to which we will see whether the field is sprayed or not. Specialists of the Russian Agricultural Center, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Department of Agriculture are involved in the monitoring, ”says RIVC General Director Niyaz Khaliullin.

Currently, the subordinate institution of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan JSC "Republican Information and Computing Center" conducts training for the heads of district departments, managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises. Experts tell in detail how to apply for monitoring sprayers, enter your personal account and work in the service.

The system of operational monitoring of sprayers is a system built on the basis of GLONASS, which allows you to give recommendations to farmers and control the frequency of field processing.

In order to apply for the monitoring of sprayers, farmers need to go through 4 stages:

- registration on the Agropoliya portal;

- 100% certification of fields in the GIS system in the personal account of the portal;

- filing an application for spraying;

- registration of equipment.

You can apply for the monitoring of sprayers on the Agropoliya portal, and the training will take place on the free course of the Agroonline school, which is a module of the portal. It should be noted that 2000 agricultural enterprises are registered on the agricultural educational portal "Agropoliya", which was launched in Tatarstan in the fall of 2020.

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