Tatarstan entered the top five leaders in electronic veterinary certification

13 April 2021, Tuesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan reports that the Republic of Tatarstan for March of this year entered the top five in terms of work with the Mercury electronic veterinary certification system.

In the Federal State Information System "Mercury", an average of more than 14 million veterinary certificates are issued per day. More than 700 thousand business entities work in the system every month. The activities of each company are analyzed by Rosselkhoznadzor inspectors. Thanks to "Mercury" inspectors identify unscrupulous manufacturers, phantom sites, and also withdraw unsafe products.

The five leading regions included: Moscow Region, Moscow, Krasnodar Territory, Republic of Tatarstan, Belgorod Region.

The rating of a particular region is formed by more than 30 indicators, as the Rosselkhoznadzor explained. It takes into account, in particular, the volume of issued production and transport electronic veterinary accompanying documents (eVSD), cancellation of eVSD, veterinary and sanitary examination, the number of registered and confirmed sites and business entities. The rating is formed on a 100-point scale.


For reference:

"Mercury" is an information system of the Rosselkhoznadzor, which records information about all products of animal origin, produced, moved and sold on the territory of Russia. Meat and fish products, honey, as well as all dairy products are subject to electronic veterinary certification.

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