In Tatarstan, fields are cultivated from an airplane

12 April 2021, Monday

In the Cheremshansk region they began today to cultivate fields with the help of an aircraft. Top dressing on the fields of Bio-Agro LLC is applied using an airplane and ground-based units "Tuman" and "Amazon".

An AN-2 maize plane in 1 flight on an area of 10 hectares sprays 1200 kilograms of mineral fertilizers.

“The farm has sown 6074 hectares of winter wheat. The air application of mineral fertilizers is planned to be carried out on an area of 2000 hectares, ammonium nitrate is applied at the rate of 120 kilograms per hectare. Winter wheat was fertilized on an area of 200 hectares. Everything is going smoothly. Applying fertilizers from an airplane certainly speeds up the work, ”says the farm's agronomist Shamil Gasyrov.

According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, to date, winter crops in the republic have been fed on an area of 7.5 thousand hectares, perennial grasses - on 7 thousand hectares. In total, this year the feeding of winter grain crops is to be carried out on an area of 558.9 thousand hectares, and perennial grasses - on 445.3 thousand hectares.

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