Practical classes have started at the "Farmer's School"

5 April 2021, Monday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan informs about the beginning of practical training in the "Farmer's School". The program is being implemented by the Russian Agricultural Bank together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The training took place at the Kaderia Lotfullina farm in Zelenodolsk district. The company specializes in the cultivation of poultry meat - turkey, as well as broiler poultry meat and its processing.

The head of the farm, spoke about the issues of organizing and conducting entrepreneurial activities.

During the course, the students got acquainted with the maintenance, feeding and care of young poultry in the process of poultry meat production and got acquainted with the work of a slaughterhouse.

“The tour of the poultry farm and meeting with its owner impressed me. It was so exciting and interesting that in a short period of time we managed to get answers to all the exciting questions. I have received a lot of new and useful information, in particular, on veterinary medicine. A meeting with such successful farmers inspires novice agricultural producers to achieve high results, ”- Elena Nigmatzyanova, a farmer in Laishevsky district, shared her impressions.

At the end of the meeting, the listeners tasted the products of the farm and exchanged impressions. We hope this will contribute to further cooperation of farms and their development in the Republic of Tatarstan.

In the near future, training will take place on the basis of peasant farms in Laishevsky and Vysokogorsky districts.

“Our main task is to enable novice farmers to explore the agricultural niche as deeply as possible. The educational program will allow entrepreneurs to get answers to their questions, learn from agricultural professionals, study government support measures, and most importantly - successfully launch their business project or continue its implementation with a new approach, ”said the director of the Tatarstan branch of Rosselkhozbank JSC Lyalya Kudermetova.

During the practical part of the training, 40 field practical classes are planned. Based on the results of the training, the participants will receive a state diploma under the additional education program "Agribusiness of a farm".

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