A vocational guidance meeting with students of the Agrarian University was held at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan

23 March 2021, Tuesday

Today, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan hosted a career guidance meeting with students of the Institute of Economics of the Kazan Agrarian University.

The students visited the Agricultural History Museum located in the Palace of Farmers. The educational excursion was conducted by the director of the museum Nail Sabirov. The guys were able to see what the real Act for the perpetual use of land by collective farms looks like, the Decree on Livestock Breeding of 1918, ancient agricultural equipment found on the territory of the republic and the first milking machines dated 1936. The students noticed that the first all-steel plow was made by the American blacksmith John Deere in 1833, and the technique of the same name is still in demand among agricultural producers today.

Students were also able to study the work of the ministry, as a state body responsible for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the republic. During a lively dialogue, the head of the personnel department, Guzel Kadyrova, using the example of the Ministry's activities, told how production works and asked the guys, when choosing a future place of work, to pay attention to the agrarian industry, as the most dynamically developing, promising and supported by the state.

The head of the department of science, education and innovative technologies Ruzalina Valiullina spoke about the measures to support young specialists and the possibilities of targeted training. For young specialists who come to work in the countryside, there is "lifting" provided in the amount of 300 thousand rubles and a monthly supplement during the first year of work (7,500 rubles to the basic salary). There is a possibility of targeted training and receiving a monthly good scholarship - 10,000 rubles, practical training at agricultural enterprises, which is also paid. An indisputable advantage for young professionals is the possibility of obtaining a preferential mortgage at 3% per annum.

Also, in the format of a live dialogue with students, we discussed the issues of internships, mentoring and employment. The guys expressed interest in further meetings with specialists of the Ministry of various profiles in a similar format.

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