Who is entitled to a “rural” pension supplement?

23 March 2021, Tuesday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan informs that about 60 thousand unemployed rural residents of Tatarstan receive a pension supplement for long-term work experience in rural areas. The payment is due to people who have worked in agriculture in certain professions for at least 30 years, receive an old-age or disability insurance pension and continue living in the village.

In monetary terms, the "rural" increase to the pension is 1511 rubles, or 25% of the fixed payment, which has reached 6044 rubles from January 1 in 2021. So, for example, if a pensioner has reached 80 years of age or is a disabled person of the first group, then the amount of the fixed payment is doubled and amounts to 12,088 rubles. In this case, the premium is calculated from a fixed payment established by law and amounts to 1,511 rubles.

We remind you that the increase does not apply to those who have earned their work experience in the city, and then moved to live in the countryside. If a person worked in a rural area, and then moved to a city, the right to a benefit remains for him when moving to a rural area.

If rural pensioners continue to work, then the post-dismissal bonus can be established only on a declarative basis. If the recipients find a job, then they also need to contact the pension fund to refuse the payment. The Pension Fund processes information from employers about working pensioners in the second month after hiring, therefore, in case of untimely application, an overpayment may occur, which is subject to reimbursement.

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