How a citizen created a breeding herd

10 March 2021, Wednesday

100 breeding cows of the Holstein-Friesian breed are kept on the dairy farm of the peasant farm "Mullagaliev A.R." in Pestrechinsky district.

“This is my breeding stock, my further work will be built to increase the number of cows and increase their productivity,” says the head of the farm Adel Mullagaliev.

When you talk to him, you think: here is a livestock breeder by vocation. And also an agronomist, economist, builder. But this is a purely urban man, whose parents were not engaged in agriculture. Yes, and he himself was in this industry, one might say, by accident: first he bought a house in the village of Alvidino, then, in excitement, he created a farm with ostriches and camels to show tourists. And then he was drawn to dairy business ...

And how energetically this city dweller took up a new business for himself! When in 2016, under the Family Farm program, instead of 4 million rubles according to the business plan, 1.5 million rubles were allocated for the construction of a cowshed for 50 heads, he was not afraid to take a commercial loan in the amount of 5 million rubles from Sberbank and went to Hungary where with this money he bought 33 heifers of the Holstein breed with a potential of 8-10 thousand kilograms of milk per year.

I brought it, but there was no cowshed - there were only adapted premises. Only closer to winter was it possible to put a cowshed into operation. And not 50, but 100 heads at once. Soon these 33 heifers calved and brought 31 heifers and 2 calves.

- Half of the breeding animals brought from Hungary still give milk, bring a full-fledged offspring,- says Adel Rafailevich proudly.

This suburban economy has a lot of problems: there is not enough equipment, there are not enough premises, and it is difficult with personnel. But at the same time, livestock breeding is carried out here at a high scientific level: insemination is carried out artificially by a specialized company on the basis of an outsourcing agreement, the cattle are chipped, their own veterinarian works here, the animals are fed according to a balanced diet with the addition of purchased corn flour and oil cakes to their own feed. Calves receive the prescribed pre-starter and starter feed, average daily weight gain - up to a kilogram.

But Adel Mullagaliev did not calm down here: having received 25 million rubles of a preferential 5 percent loan from Sberbank, he built a dairy with a capacity of 10 thousand tons of milk processing per day in Pestretsy and began to produce cheeses and other dairy products, and also bought four hundreds of cattle, including about 300 cows.

- My plan is to build a farm for 400 cows, says the farmer. - Purchased animals are the basis for the rapid reproduction of livestock.

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