MTZ-Tatarstan took part in the tractor biathlon

9 March 2021, Tuesday

The Tractor Biathlon Open Games were held in Udmurtia last week. in support of one of the most demanded professions in rural areas - a machine operator. Today, games are rapidly gaining popularity not only among the residents of the republic, but also among the agricultural regions of Russia.

This year, representatives of Rostov and Sverdlovsk regions, Perm Territory, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan came to Udmurtia to compete in driving the MTZ-82 tractor and marksmanship at firing lines in extreme conditions.

53 riders took part in the event. During the competition, they had to show all their professionalism. They overcame the track with obstacles on tractors T-150, MTZ-82, T-25. The participants had to overcome the cross-country track on tractors with the passage of firing lines and separate stages: "Snake", "Park-in to the garage" and "Overpass". The result was influenced not only by the speed of control of agricultural machinery and the accuracy of shooting at targets from an air rifle, but also by the accuracy of driving. For each violation - penalty seconds to the main time of the route and penalty circles.

During the event, interactive and entertainment venues, a food zone, shopping arcades and tasting of national cuisine, a "test drive", demonstration rides in cars, jeeps and snowmobiles, a concert program, as well as surprises from the organizers of the games were organized.

The organizers of Tractor biathlon 2021 are already discussing proposals that will further increase the popularity and significance of the event, expand the geography of participants from other regions of Russia and foreign countries. Representative of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, General Director of TPK “MTZ-Tatarstan”, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Belarus in Tatarstan Konstantin Anisimov expressed an initiative to supplement sports competitions. This means that the participants will have to demonstrate their skills in working with attached agricultural implements - loaders, forks, etc. “Here you have to feel the car in a special way, lifting the load centimeter by centimeter,” he shared.

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