Kazan Agrarian University signed agreements on cooperation

11 February 2021, Thursday

The rector of Kazan Agrarian University signed agreements on cooperation in the field of science and education. The signing procedures took place within the framework of the specialized exhibition TatAgroExpo on the territory of the Kazan Expo international exhibition center. The organizer of the exhibition is the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Agreements on organization of industrial practice were signed with the enterprises of JSC Agrosila, LLC UK August-Agro and LLC RM-AGRO. Within these agreements, students will be able to undergo training at enterprises, thereby bringing their professional competencies as close as possible to specific breakthrough agricultural technologies and providing agricultural enterprises with highly qualified personnel.

In the course of the business program, a four-sided agreement was signed on the creation of specialized agricultural classes on the basis of secondary school No. 3 of the Mamadysh region.

“Implementation of the concept of specialized agricultural classes is being successfully implemented in the formation of early vocational guidance for rural schoolchildren. So, in 2019, more than 10 classrooms were opened in the Baltasinsky district. The main goal is to educate youth with the help of early career guidance, high-quality university training and subsequent employment with decent wages, ”said Ayrat Valiev.

The event ended with the signing of an agreement on scientific research and experimental work with the leading manufacturer of various agricultural preparations and fertilizers "INCO-TEK Agro Alabuga". The company is specialized on the preparation of individual granules for each field and crop, thereby allowing to count not only on an increase in yield, but also on the environmental friendliness of agricultural products.

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